Monday, December 15, 2014

The interminable list of things to do.

Hi All,

Now that the semester is nearly over, I have a couple of announcements. First, I am not going to be returning to my Mathematics PhD program at ASU. For all of my friends still working toward their piled higher and deeper degree, I wish you the best of luck, and who knows I may drop by from time to time when I am tutoring on campus.

Now that that announcement is out of the way. I am currently working on a project with my little (read: younger) brother which may or may not result in more money coming my way. In any case, I am now as busy as I have ever been working on various projects.

OpenAIP is still alive and well though the code is still in rough shape, it probably still compiles though their is a lot of learning I need to do before I return too it. Unfortunately, my coding time has been hijacked by the project with my brother.

The telescope is still in boxes, for the most part I have not had time during the busy semester to use it and now that my time is clearing up the weather is not cooperating. I am still looking to get the equipment together I need to go camping, which should happen some time early next year.

I am still hoping to work on a focuser for my telescope, using my Arduino. I don't think I posted the videos from dipping my toes into Arduino programming so here they are:

Hopefully over the break I will be getting some more pieces, specifically a stepper motor, a driver and some optoisolators. If I can get that working I will post it. Also I have decided to start a Go Fund Me page because I am shameless and all of my projects seem to be out of my price range.

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