Sunday, August 3, 2014

First Light

So it looks like I will be setting up my scope for the first time tomorrow night. I have added a section to the blog called Observing Plans. There is a plan for tomorrow night. There are a couple of reasons this process has taken a week longer than I had wanted it too. First, their was the weather which is annoying during the monsoon season here in Arizona.

The second is much more insidious, I was trying to find an open location which I could use as an observing site, however most parks in urban areas close earlier than one would like. So I had to call around to several parks departments, no one was willing to grant me a permit, I also called one golf course and the manager of operation literally could not get me off the phone fast enough.  It seems that we as a society are so afraid of our own shadow that a person cannot engage in a simple hobby without everyone losing the minds. 

Some would say that you should just set up your scope and not ask, well unfortunately we don't live in a perfect society so I would much rather play by the rules than chat with the police. The good news is Wagoner park is open until Midnight, sunset is ~7:30pm which means I should get a good 4 and 1/2 hours of work in before the night is out. 

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