Hi all,
Its a double update! I was able to find an old flicker account that had all of my "best" astrophotos. These are the result of a misguided attempt to get into the game. It actually starts when I am a little boy...
See, I have always loved astronomy and so when I was little my parents would get me toy telescopes that would immediately break, they would also get me Astronomy magazines. In the back of these magazines you would see full page color advertisements for telescopes, one in particular struck my fancy. It was the LX200 with Magellan II controller, the first fully computerized GOTO telescope.
Fast forward to 2005 when I have finally scraped together enough dough to buy one. I decide to get it and the new Meade DSI II Pro monochrome camera which promises that you can take images in Alt-Az mode. (This is a lie, and never ever believe anyone who claims you can take "excellent" images with a telescope in an Alt-Az configuration.) In my case I hat a brain dump and got the 10" model. The results of a few imaging sessions are now on the astrophotography page of the website. I have tried to give the particulars of each image to the best of my recollection but the last imaging session I had was in the spring of 2007. (I think...)
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