Sunday, August 18, 2013


This post is an update. I am inching closer to a surgery date I think. The problem is that I need approval from my insurance company and they in turn need for me to complete my multidisciplinary pre-surgery regimen. The strange thing about this is, they think that in 90 days I will somehow learn some trick (and it would have to be a trick)  to shedding weight that has eluded me for 20 years. I don't know what the pre-surgery regimen is about to be quite honest.

I also have learned that I suffer from very severe sleep apnea. For those of you who know me you understand that I drink quite a lot of caffeine and I am still tired during the day. This is the result of not really being able to get a good nights sleep. Apparently this has been going on for years, so now when I wake up tired I know why. However, I cannot stand going to sleep knowing that its near useless for me, I want to get on with my treatment, figuring out what works so I can go on with my life! The thing is that I need a CPAP machine and the only way to get one is to wait by my phone until they call. It is a special kind of torture to tell someone they have a major sleep condition, and not help them get treatment for 4 days because its a weekend.

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