Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Next Steps

So I am almost to the point of purchasing my laptop. My next purchase is going to be the OTA for my next telescope. Why the OTA first, because its on back order until June, so I need to order it now and get it while the getting is good. Next is the mount, followed by my camera modification. Then comes the fun part, each of the little individual components necissary to make my telescope work properly.

These range for the coma corrector to the laser collimator to reticle eyepieces to autoguiding setups. Not to mention I have to go to a wedding in August. Hopefully we are on track to do our first expedition next October, but we will have to see. I will post pics of my laptop when it comes in hopefully in a couple of weeks.

In the mean time I have created a website for the two aspects of my business, tutoring and computer repairs. It can be found at

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Running Behind

So the plan is proceeding, sort of. Right now I am saving up some money but unfortunately I am not prepping to buy a scope. The first thing I need to get is a new laptop. My current beast of burden has served me well, but its been worked too hard for too long. As a result my acquisitions are behind. My initial goal was to purchase the telescope and mount first followed by some camping gear so that I would be ready for the Grand Canyon Star party, now it looks like nothing will be happening until next fall.

If you are interested in what I am planning for a new laptop its a rather funny story, I am planning on getting a bare-bones kit and building it up myself. You can get them at with some $10 spudgers you can make yourself a laptop, it will be pretty heavy, however I am not noticing the girth of my old laptop as much now that I am getting healthier. I am hoping to order the laptop by mid April, once that is done I will hopefully have enough by mid-May to buy my scope, which may take a few months to get here.